Analyst Cathy Walsh

Cathy Walsh

Senior Research AnalystCathy Walsh

Raleigh, North Carolina United States

An eight-year Phocuswright veteran, Ms. Walsh contributes to a range of research efforts as author and editor, with recent publications including In-Destination Events, Attractions & Activities: Europe, U.S. Mobile Travel Report: Market Sizing and Consumer Trends, and U.S. Online Travel Traffic Report. Cathy joined Phocuswright in 2005 to launch The Phocuswright Research Subscription: Technology Edition (now The Innovation Edition). Formerly director, communications, Cathy continues to create marketing content to promote Phocuswright research and events. Cathy gained travel industry expertise as editor of the trade newsletter Travel Distribution Report, where she produced news and analysis on travel distribution and technology. She is a cum laude graduate of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and received a M.A. in English from North Carolina State University, where her research focused on technology and culture.

Click here to download Cathy's high resolution photo from the Phocuswright media gallery.

Areas of Research

Cathy's areas of expertise include online consumer technology, social networks, marketing and distribution strategy, and Internet trends, with a particular focus on emerging technologies.


Travel Research From Cathy Walsh

Europe Travel Market Report 2021-2025

Europe Travel Market Report 2021-2025

Category: Market Overview & Sizing Published: March 2022 Analysts: Cathy Walsh, Ralph Merten US $2,495

Slowly but surely, the European travel market began to mount its recovery in 2021. After dipping to just 64% of its 2019 size in 2020, gross bookings climbed a projected 31% in 2021. Still limited by...

Italy Travel Market Report 2021-2025

Italy Travel Market Report 2021-2025

Category: Market Overview & Sizing Published: March 2022 Analysts: Stanislas Feminier, Cathy Walsh US $795

Italy was among the first European nations to suffer deeply from the impacts of COVID-19. After plummeting 71% in 2020, the country’s travel market saw the beginnings of recovery in 2021, with a 66%...

France Travel Market Report 2021-2025

France Travel Market Report 2021-2025

Category: Market Overview & Sizing Published: February 2022 Analysts: Peter O'Connor, Cathy Walsh US $795

Following a disastrous 2020, the French travel market rebounded 19% in 2021. Still, it was a tumultuous year, as the persistence of coronavirus infections greatly impacted recovery. While a strong sense...

Travel Innovation and Technology Trends 2022

Travel Innovation and Technology Trends 2022

Category: Technology Innovation Published: February 2022 Analysts: Michael Coletta, Robert Cole, Cathy Walsh, Nick Price, Hollis Thomases, Norm Rose US $500

Each year, Phocuswright publishes a content series that identifies the most significant innovation trends in travel technology and distribution for the upcoming year and beyond. This year we again...

The New Nomads: Work and Play From Anywhere

The New Nomads: Work and Play From Anywhere

Category: Market Overview & Sizing Published: February 2022 Analysts: Cathy Walsh, Alice Jong, Madeline List US $695

As lockdowns spread around the globe in 2020, most workers who could do so shifted to remote, online work. Newly able to engage in work or school from anywhere, a growing share of travelers embraced the...

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