Analyst Cathy Walsh

Cathy Walsh

Senior Research AnalystCathy Walsh

Raleigh, North Carolina United States

An eight-year Phocuswright veteran, Ms. Walsh contributes to a range of research efforts as author and editor, with recent publications including In-Destination Events, Attractions & Activities: Europe, U.S. Mobile Travel Report: Market Sizing and Consumer Trends, and U.S. Online Travel Traffic Report. Cathy joined Phocuswright in 2005 to launch The Phocuswright Research Subscription: Technology Edition (now The Innovation Edition). Formerly director, communications, Cathy continues to create marketing content to promote Phocuswright research and events. Cathy gained travel industry expertise as editor of the trade newsletter Travel Distribution Report, where she produced news and analysis on travel distribution and technology. She is a cum laude graduate of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and received a M.A. in English from North Carolina State University, where her research focused on technology and culture.

Click here to download Cathy's high resolution photo from the Phocuswright media gallery.

Areas of Research

Cathy's areas of expertise include online consumer technology, social networks, marketing and distribution strategy, and Internet trends, with a particular focus on emerging technologies.


Travel Research From Cathy Walsh

India Online Travel Traffic Report

Category: Social & Search Published: April 2011 Analysts: Cathy Walsh, Deepak Jain, Douglas Quinby US $695

India’s online travel market has grown significantly in a very short time period. Understanding this dynamic opportunity requires knowledge of complex consumer shopping behavior and the unique factors...

Package - When They Get There

Category: Published: March 2011 Analysts: Cathy Walsh US $1,095

Get a detailed picture of the U.S. travel activities marketplace — save $99 when you purchase the report and Online Event with this package. ONLINE EVENT The recording of this March 16, 2011 Online...

Presentation - Fantastically Fragmented: The U.S. Travel Activities Market

Category: Published: March 2011 Analysts: Douglas Quinby, Cathy Walsh US $199

_p__strong_Save $99 with the _a href="/products/2613"__strong_Publication & Online Event Package_/strong__/a__/strong_ The activities, attractions, events and tours that travelers experience...

When They Get There (and Why They Go): Activities, Attractions, Events and Tours

Category: Destination & Activities Marketing Published: February 2011 Analysts: Cathy Walsh US $995

While U.S. travelers spent nearly $27 billion on travel activities, attractions, events and tours in 2009, these activities have failed to penetrate and participate in the broader travel distribution...

Online Traffic and Conversion Report Second Edition

Category: Destination & Activities Marketing Published: February 2011 Analysts: Carroll Rheem, Cathy Walsh US $1,095

While suppliers and online travel agencies generate the core of Web activity in the travel category today, non-transactional sites like traveler review websites, lead generators and metasearch sites are...

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