Mr. Jain serves on Phocuswright's Asia Pacific team. His research and analytics skills make him an essential part of many research projects including Phocuswright's Emerging Online Travel Marketplace in China, Social Media in Travel, Indian Online Travel Overview and more. Deepak is an engineering graduate from Bhopal University and also holds post graduate diploma in advanced computing.
Asia Pacific Online Travel Overview 2019
Category: Market Overview & Sizing Published: April 2019 Analysts: Maggie Rauch, Deepak Jain US $1,495Already the world’s largest regional travel market, Asia Pacific (APAC) continues to develop rapidly. Tourism infrastructure improvements, more advanced telecommunications and digital payments access...
Japan Online Travel 2019: By the Numbers
Category: Market Overview & Sizing Published: March 2019 Analysts: Haruo Ushiba, Coney Dongre, Deepak Jain, Maggie RauchJapan remains the second-largest travel market in APAC, well behind China, but is more than three times the size of India as well as Australia/New Zealand (ANZ). Market growth will accelerate to nearly...
Japan Online Travel 2019: Key Developments
Category: Market Overview & Sizing Published: March 2019 Analysts: Haruo Ushiba, Cathy Walsh, Coney Dongre, Deepak Jain, Maggie RauchFueled partly by a surge in inbound travelers with a strong preference for digital booking, online travel bookings in Japan are growing more than twice as fast as the overall travel market. In addition,...
Japan Online Travel Overview
Category: Market Overview & Sizing Published: March 2019 Analysts: Haruo Ushiba, Coney Dongre, Deepak Jain, Maggie Rauch US $995While online travel bookings in Japan are advancing rapidly, offline channels, including traditional retail agencies, remain vital and captured nearly six in 10 bookings in 2018. Both the air and hotel...
Australia-New Zealand Online Travel 2019: By the Numbers
Category: Market Overview & Sizing Published: March 2019 Analysts: Coney Dongre, Deepak Jain, Maggie RauchOnline travel in Australia-New Zealand is forecast to grow nearly 50% faster than the overall travel market, expanding 6-8% annually through 2022. While both suppliers and OTAs are helping to grow the...