Research Power User Profile

Phocuswright Power Users utilize and leverage Phocuswright research to power great decisions at their companies. We interviewed these Open Access subscribers to uncover how they take advantage of Phocuswright's vast research library and data visualization tools.

Michelle Qi, Group Ltd

Investor Relations Director

"Phocuswright has a consistent way to compare across verticals and segments - the methodology is consistent."

"I mostly use the Subscriber Alerts so I can see new research and go straight to the report."

What do you do for

I act as a bridge between my company and institutional investors. I share our company strategy, market information and explain industry changes to investors. I also address investor concerns about the company - current movement, future strategy, competitive movements, etc.

How often do you use Phocuswright?

Somewhere between once a week and once a month, depending on the needs of the business.

Which of the following Phocuswright services/products do you use?

I subscribe to the weekly Phocuswright newsletter, Subscriber Alert emails, monitor the Dashboard Announcements and get event information at I mostly use the Subscriber Alerts so I can see new research and go straight to the report. I also search the database often if i'm looking for something specific. On the conference side, my team and I attend or watch the live stream.

What about Phocuswright's research do you find most helpful?

There are two areas that are most helpful to me. First, the market research on individual country's travel market and the size and basic dynamic of all travel segments is very helpful. What is most important is that Phocuswright has a consistent way to compare across verticals and segments - the methodology is consistent. Second, I'm interested in the interactive data visualization tool Phocal Point. Plus the reports on local activities, consumer reports and the China outbound studies are very helpful to my position.

Can you give an example of a time when Phocuswright's research provided you insight into a solution you were working on?

Recently, we were focusing internally on a lot of new product incubations. Our team watched Phocuswright's Battleground presentations, and wrote summary's about how we can incorporate some of these initiatives in China. Some of the projects we decided to use were inspired by some of entrepreneurs we saw on stage.

Thinking outside of your company and responsibilities, what vertical in the industry most excites you?

On a personal level, I'm very excited about destination services and activities.

How do you see travel changing in the next 10-20 years?

I see travel experiences becoming more like a shopping cart. People will be able to build a travel itinerary and basically generate an itinerary, click and drag local activities and a travel company will quickly provide a roadmap. I like to walk around a city when I go somewhere so I want a roadmap of all activities either by bus map or something like that. And then if I want to change my itinerary on the fly I can find alternatives via my phone. Even better, maybe by then we'll have wearable gear to do all of this.

What do you like to do when you're not solving problems for

I like to enjoy my life, to know more about the world through reading, watching documentaries and traveling. These are all great ways to know more about the world. It's a short life and it's a large world.

(Conversation has been edited for clarity.)

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